Friday, October 2, 2009

MCAS Hits Home, or, What does Molly have against Nuclear Submarines?

A bit of a digression from higher ed this time to comment on the recent report of the state of Massachusetts on my eldest daughter's reading comprehension ability, which apparently is not up to snuff as far as they're concerned. Fortunately, the interweb now allows the interested parent to see the actual questions and reading assignments on which this assessment is based. It turns out that there were 12 multiple choice questions (and one short answer question but we cannot see the answer to that one). She got the first 8 right. These were on a reading about a boy getting milk in the snow.

She got one of the next 4 questions right, in other words, as well as a chimp who couldn't read might have done. This reading was on the launch of the nuclear submarine Nautilus. I can only assume that Molly doesn't like subs. I have to ask: what is our school doing to bridge the gender gap and ensure that little girls are as intrigued about Cold-War submarine history as little boys? I can only hope they are on the case.

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